The articles of the Institute's scientists have been published at the IEEE International Conference

09 October 2017 - 14:00 | Important events
The articles of the Institute's scientists have been published at the IEEE International Conference

"Decision support method for human resource management in the virtual organization"  and  "Decision Support for the Recruitment of the "Medical Specialists" article co authored by doctor of technical sciences,corresponding member of ANAs,  prof. Masuma Mammadova and the senior research associate of the institute, PhD in technical sciences, associate professor Zarifa Jabrayilova, was published in The 11th IEEE International Conference on ICT Application and Communication Technologies - AICT 2017)held in Moscow Russia on 20-22 September 2017.

The article titled "Methods of Supporting Decision-Making in Human Resource Management in Virtual Organizations" describes the types of virtual organizations, features, and features of human resource management. Virtual employee management is characterized as a matter of decision-making in a fuzzy environment. An experimental experiment is described as a method of decision making for the selection of virtual workers based on double comparison of expert estimates of alternatives, hierarchical analysis, contradictions in expert estimates and multiplicative aggregation methods.

An article titled "Supporting decision-making in the recruitment of medical professionals" suggests solutions based on the fuzzy situational model of demand and supply of medical professionals and the fuzzy analogy of situations for the intelligent management of their adaptation. The decision-making process for medical professionals is based on possible scenarios for solutions, describing the solution's algorithm and the stages of its implementation.

AICT 2017 conference were indexed in prestigious bases such as “Thomson Reuters Scientific”, “Google Scholar”, “Association for Computing Machinery”, “The Institution of Engineering and Technology”, “American Mathematical Society”, “National Library of Medicine”, “Optical Society of America”, and “”.

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