Baidu develops a universal translator

28 September 2017 - 10:00 | Interesting information
Baidu develops a universal translator

A universal translator from the science fiction universe Star Trek can soon become a reality. Developers Baidu, the Chinese search giant, have begun to develop a device that can make life easier for travelers to Asia and places where they speak English. The principle of operation of the device is very similar to how the similar device used by the characters of the series "Star Trek" works.

Yes, universal translators-applications for smartphones have similar functions, but the gadget from Baidu will not put the battery on the phone and will always be ready for work, while the program on the smartphone will need to be periodically launched. In addition, an interpreter from Baidu will be able to distribute Wi-Fi, as it will be equipped with the ability to connect to the Internet. Places the interpreter will not take too much, but only 150 grams will weigh.

In Baidu not only plan to sell translators, but also give users a rental - a reasonable offer for those who came to China on a business trip, but the language does not know at all. Sales and rental of devices will begin first in China, but later Baidu is going to conquer the Japanese market. The number of supported languages ​​is still unknown, as is the price. On the appearance of an interpreter on sale, Baidu will report additionally.

The series "Star Trek" can be largely called prophetic - technologies and gadgets that first appeared in it, eventually migrate from the TV screens into real life. More information about other gadgets from "Star Trek", which have become a reality, can be read at this link.

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