The dissertation work on " Regulation of Internet economy and its development perspectives" was discussed

27 September 2017 - 14:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Scientific seminar of Department No.17 with Public Relations Department was held at the  Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

Academician-secretary of ANAS, Director of the Institute, Head of Department, Academician Rasim Alguliev said that the seminar was dedicated to the discussion of the dissertation work on " Regulation of Internet economy and its development perspectives", and informed about the dissertation.

Then, presenting the report on the topic of the dissertation the Head of the Public Relations Department, Rasim Mahmudov informed about the actuality of the topic,  proposed and resolved issues, scientific innovations, the structure and volume of the dissertation, the number of published scientific works. Speaking about the purpose of the dissertation work, the reporter noted that the purpose of the work was to study the impact of the Internet on economic processes, investigate the peculiarities and legality of economic relations in the Internet, identify the problems, develop proposals for the regulation of Internet economy and security, including conceptual basis for sustainable development of the Internet economy, development of proposals for the broad application and development of broadband Internet as well as the realization of the economic potential of the Internet's perspective technologies  are determined and classified.

It should be noted that in chapter I of the dissertation, the analysis of the impact of the Internet on modern economic relations is identifiable and relevant. In addition, negative effects of information asymmetry in the market, the transformation of the market economy, market economy, comparative analysis of Internet economy, definition and classification of Internet economy.

Chapter II, "Problems of Regulation of Economic Relations on the Internet," identifies the Internet regulatory problems, tasks and methods, and legal mechanisms. In the Internet, mechanisms for the regulation of economic relations, security, as well as the protection of intellectual property rights are proposed.

In Chapter III, proposals regarding  Economic Potential for the Development of Perspectives for the Internet Economy, as well as for the implementation of the Internet, Big Data and Cloud Technologies were put forward.

R.Mahmudov was the author of 12 international and national scientific conferences, and 13 scientific articles in prestigious journals.

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