For the first time, the human brain is directly connected to the Internet

15 September 2017 - 14:54 | Technological innovations
For the first time, the human brain is directly connected to the Internet

The first line of the mouse was connected to the internet. The project "Brainternet" will produce a list of electroencephalograms in the mode of direct transmission in the network. Emotiv EEG, a device that transforms the Mozg Waves through a microcomputer, uses Raspberry Pi in an application programming interface and embeds it in the portal. Whatever it is possible to watch a personalized activity of a seductive one.

Open portal «Brainternet» has been started by Adam Pantanovic, Vitech School of Electronics and Information Technologies,  reports. By the way, the project is intended for the purpose of obtaining a personal understanding of the human mind, as well as for the creation of a database, which will help develop the technology.

"In the long run, we want to make an interactive link between the user and his brother, so that the person can tell him the stimulus and see the answer. Brainternet will continue to utilize functional data processing through the smartphone, allowing you to provide an algorithm for machine self-tuning. In the future we can connect two-way communication - entering the incoming and outgoing signals in the brain ", - tells Pantanovic

The author of the project, "Brainternet" - this is the first time in the world of development, allowing the public to control the brain in the real time. In the future, he can directly connect the person to "Internet Things".

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