Facebook is dangerous for health

15 September 2017 - 12:30 | Interesting information
Facebook is dangerous for health

Friends in the social network have a negative impact on health, this conclusion was made by American scientists from the University of Regis. They claim that Facebook users are at risk, reports The Independent.

Researchers for ten weeks watched the 89 college students who were regular users of the social network. In the future, experts conducted a survey among students on the state of their health.

It turned out that users experiencing anxiety while browsing Facebook were much more likely to have respiratory tract infections. And those who had many friends in this social network, complained of severe stress and other diseases. So, they were bothered by refusals to requests for friendship or a drop in popularity among users.
At the same time, the amount of time spent on Facebook had no effect on health.

The authors of the study advised to live a reality more and look less into the phone or smartphone.

Previously, scientists from Sheffield University (UK), according to a survey of four thousand children, concluded that social networks make them unhappy.

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