Scientists have invented a "handle" that recognizes cancer in 10 seconds

08 September 2017 - 16:21 | Technological innovations
Scientists have invented a "handle" that recognizes cancer in 10 seconds

Experts from the University of Texas introduced a new tool that can detect cancer cells in the body of patients in ten seconds, reports the publication Time.

Currently, to distinguish between diseased and healthy cells during surgery, a frozen slice is used - part of the tumor tissue is frozen and sent for analysis. However, the study of each sample can take more than 30 minutes, which increases the risk of negative impact of anesthesia.

The new instrument examines the molecules without sampling the affected tissue: the device emits a drop of water into which the molecules of the organ undergo a transition, and then they are tested with a mass spectrometer.

"We demonstrated that MasSpec Pen is suitable for diagnosing cancer in the body during surgery on models of mice with tumors without causing significant tissue damage or anxiety to the animal," experts said.

According to scientists, using the MasSpec Pen it will be possible to determine the presence of the disease with 96 percent accuracy.

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