The colleague of "Yandex" came up with a makeup deceiving the algorithms of face recognition

22 August 2017 - 09:00 | Interesting information
The colleague  of "Yandex" came up with a makeup deceiving the algorithms of face recognition

Grigory Bakunov, who occupies the post of director for technology distribution in Yandex, spoke about his third-party project - a service that designs a unique random makeup that would protect the user's face from being detected by the face recognition system.

The project team, which involved a technology specialist, was based on a genetic algorithm that first based on the original photograph selected a new image on the principle of "anti-similarity." Then, on the basis of the result, the make-up artist made up a make-up plan, after which it was applied to the face of the model, reports.

Having received an impressive result, the developer decided to minimize the project. He explained this step by conscience: "The chance to use the product is not too great for good, but for other purposes."

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