Scientists have printed out a "laboratory" measuring 100 micrometers

18 August 2017 - 15:00 | Technological innovations
Scientists have printed out a "laboratory" measuring 100 micrometers

Scientists at Brigham Young University have developed a "laboratory" of 100 micrometers (0.1 millimeters) for chemical analysis.

The device belongs to the microfluidic class and is a microchip, in fact it is the most real chemical laboratory, reports. With the help of microscopic tubules located inside the device, you can conduct various tests. For example, a blood test.

The creation of a workable laboratory of such small dimensions can be of tremendous importance for diagnostic medicine. For example, they can be injected directly into the patient's body to measure parameters in different parts of the human body. Or, to include micro labs in miniature robots, expanding their functionality.

To create a miniature chip, scientists had to create a unique 3D printer. It is based on a 385-nanometer LED lamp.

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