Google wants to disaccustom us to type text on smartphones manually

17 August 2017 - 15:51 | Technological innovations
Google wants to disaccustom us to type text on smartphones manually

Google plans to teach us to use the dictation function instead of typing texts manually. Verbal communication with the smartphone will save you the time spent on keyfinding, and reduce the risk of falling precious gadget. For this purpose, Android supported the support of 119 world languages, on which billions of people speak daily.

"To add support for 30 new languages ​​and dialects, we had to bring in their carriers to assemble the speech patterns," says Daan van Esch, a technical expert at Google. In the process of learning artificial intelligence, carriers read common phrases, and the system memorized and processed them, thereby increasing the accuracy of perception when communicating with new users.

Dictation of the text can take three times less time than printing, it follows from the materials of the article "Print Less, Say More", posted on the official blog of Google. To make life easier for users, the developers from Mountain View have implemented the dictation function in the Gboard keyboard, which recently allows the voice to dial emoji without having to switch the layout.

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