Intelligent monitoring of computer networks is being investigated

17 Jule 2017 - 15:05 | Conferences, assemblies

The next meeting of the scientific seminar was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliev informed  about the agenda and said that the meeting was dedicated to the problem of intellectual monitoring of computer networks.

Later, Ramiz Shikhaliyev, senior research fellow, PhD , made a presentation on "Scientific-theoretical results on the problems of Intelligent Computer Networks Monitoring". He pointed out the importance of the issue and noted that the scale and scope of computer networks (SC) are expanding day by day,  therefore the CC monitor and accurate definition of the of this situation are crucial.

The speaker then spoke about problems in the field of intellectual monitoring of computer networks. He said that  it includes the analysis of the current state of the CC monitoring, the development of the SC Intelligent Monitoring System, the development of the Intelligent Intelligence Monitoring Architecture and so on. He said that network monitoring would monitor the status of the CC, analyze user activity, analyze network protocols, and so on. Allows. He noted that the monitoring of the CC was carried out mainly through two methods - active and passive monitoring.

R. Shikhaliyev also presented the results of the research on the development of methods and models for intellectual analysis of the traffic of the CC and the development of methods for the intelligent monitoring of the CC.

Reporting on optimization of computer network monitoring, the reporter said that the main objective is to optimize the monitoring of NSC nodes within the network resources. To achieve this goal, it was suggested to use a pollination system model.

He eventually drew attention to articles published in network monitoring, theses, journals and conferences.

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