Transformation of three dimensional objects from real space to virtual space is analyzed

11 Jule 2017 - 16:42 | Conferences, assemblies

Semi annual report of Department No 18 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for the year 2017 has been listened. The head of the department, Anar Samidov, gave information about the research work. Studies on the effectiveness of advertising-marketing activities in the Internet, transformation of three-dimensional objects from real space to virtual space and vice versa, the emergence of modern publishing and printing technologies, evolution and development perspectives.

Then A.Samidov spoke about the work carried out within the department's scientific and innovative activities. He emphasized that practical work is being carried out in different directions, including design materials for various styled activities, printing and binding of express-information, introduction of photo and video materials to the Multimedia Gallery, preparation of photo-albums dedicated to events.

The head of the department also spoke about scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities, participation in various national and international events, about the work of the department's staff in publishing articles in well-known scientific journals.

Discussions were held around the report, questions and suggestions were sounded.

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