Methods for detecting terrorism-related activities in online environments have been analyzed

06 Jule 2017 - 15:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Next scientific seminar of department № 13 was held at the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS. Institute researcher Gunay Niftaliyeva analyzed articles published in a number of authoritative magazines on the theme "Analysis of methods of detecting terrorism related activities in online environments."

G.Niftaliyeva noted that articles like"Detecting access to terror-related websites using terrorist detection system", "An approach to detecting terrorist activity on the Internet", "Text analysis for detecting terrorist articles on the Internet", "Detection of terrorist-related text documents" and "Main players' detection " were analyzed. The rapporteur said that in these articles the classification of terrorism related texts, detection of documents, detection of terrorist groups on the Internet were investigated etc.

She said mentioned articles were published in "Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology", "International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education", "Journal of Network and Computer Applications", "IEEE International Conference on Social Computing" European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference ".

Then, head of the department, correspondent member of ANAS Ramiz Aliguliyev sang his recommendations on the report, emphasized the necessity of continuation of the research in this direction and preparation and publication of the new article.

Discussions were held around the report, questions were answered.

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