Conservation of digital heritage is one of the global problems that worriesthe whole world

03 Jule 2017 - 17:01 | Conferences, assemblies

The next meeting of the scientific seminar of the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS was held. Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev informed the participants about the agenda.

Later, Head of Sector, PhD in technical sciences Rena Gasimova, made a report on "Digital Heritage Conservation and Conceptual Views in the Information Society". She stated that Digital heritage (DH) is defined as a depiction of digital, digital resources, or sources of culture, education, science and administration, as well as technical, legal, medical and other types of information. Informing about problems of digital heritage loss of safety, technological infrastructure, storage, technical, safety and so on the reporter noted that these problems are increasing the relevance of the DH conservation.

Gasimova noted that the large-scale growth of carriers with the emergence of digital technologies necessitates resolution of format problems when using these carriers. "Heritage authorities must find ways to combine new publishing and memory devices into their own collections," said the reporter, offering ways to combat these problems.

She noted that digital information was maintained using renewal, replication, migration, emulation, inkapsulation, and emphasized the importance of using a combination of different methods to ensure long-term retention.

Speaking about the international community's long-term commitment to maintaining at the past decade the reporter said that a large number of programs and projects have been implemented both internationally and in different countries. According to the speaker, the issues of DH protection in the world are in the focus of many international intergovernmental and public organizations, primarily the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Head of the sector spoke about the international documents adopted in this area, and gave detailed information "International Documentation on the Protection of Library Materials", "The Memory of the World", the "Cultural Diversity Declaration", the International Program for All Information, and the Charter on Digital Heritage.

She also talked about the experience of the world countries in the preservation of digital heritage, including the Pandora project in Australia, the Swedish Kulturarw3 heritage project, the Eva Project in Finland, the State Archives of the Russian Federation, the International Institute of Social History, the US Internet Archive , Canada's Department of Library and Archives Canada, as well as, noted that  European projects  Athena and “Europeana’’ have a special role in this regard.

The reporter, who provided information about the World Digital Library created by UNESCO and the world's 32 libraries in 2005, stated that the purpose of the library is to make valuable rare materials accessible to everyone: "In this library you can read rare books, manuscripts from all over the world, watch and look at the pictures.

The reporter gave detailed information about international standards on DH, conferences, published scientific works, measures taken in the field of preservation, storage and digitization of national heritage in Azerbaijan, adopted programs and decrees, the National Digital Memory project implemented at ANAS, problems existing in electronic libraries and archives.

Then, Mrs.Gasimova brought to attention the suggestions and recommendations of the DH. For this purpose, international experience, technological innovations and development trends should be taken into account in the protection, preservation and digitization of Azerbaijan's national heritage, and the effective use of civil, community, state priorities and their capacities,  she  noted. Digitalization, storage, proper protection, promotion and accessibility of the objects included in this heritage in Azerbaijan should be ensured, as well as documents that form the DH to ensure the fair representation of all peoples, states, cultures and languages should always be handy and other measures should be taken.

At the end,  Mrs. Gasimova noted that keeping digital heritage is a new task put on stakeholders in the state and information society. This uninterrupted activity requires not only participation and responsibility of government agencies, but also other stakeholders, information producers and users, software manufacturers and professional international associations and organizations.

Speaking about the relevance of the issue, Academician Rasim Alguliev said that the protection of digital heritage in the modern world is one of the global problems that worry the whole world.

According to the academician, maintaining security, preservation and maintenance of the country's important information resources in e-government is one of the key security issues: "The legal framework for the electronic data register should be improved, the national concept should be developed, and a single national system should be created."

He stressed the importance of researching the international experience in the field of electronic archive tradition formation, and noted that it is expedient to prepare standards and guidelines for archiving, protection and exploitation of state information resources.

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