Efficient use of access channel of AzScienceNet to GEANT was discussed

22 June 2017 - 17:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Next scientific seminar was held at the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS. 

The event was devoted to the work done by AzScienceNet network on access to GEANT, as well as expansion of AzScienceNet information security and monitoring possibilities, Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliev noted.

Reporting the Action Plan for Efficient Use of the access channel AzScienceNet network to GEANT  associate professor, PhD Rashid Alakbarov said that the network has joined a giant electron infrastructure serving all science and education institutions throughout Europe GEANT since 2016, has access to the Internet at a rate of 1 Gbit / sec.

Mr. Alakbarov informed about the work done within the framework of the Action Plan. He pointed out that AzScienceNet has great potential for the integration of science and education in the country and cooperation between the ANAS and the Ministry of Education was established in this direction. According to him, the use of AzScienceNet services by the educational institutions of the country in the direction of integration of science and education, as well as, the issues of establishing cooperation between AzScienceNet and Azerbaijan Educational Network (AzEduNet) were discussed in the General Assembly of ANA S and the joint session of the Collegium of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan held on December 21, 2016.

The speaker underlined that 10 universities of the country have joined AzScienceNet network currently. "This collaboration will enable students, academics and professionals, doctoral and dissertations from these universities to work with AzScienceNet and Data Center, as well as, use GEANT's international network of services and integration into world science,"- deputy director noted.  Several higher and secondary schools will be connected to AzScienceNet network in the near future. 

R. Alakbarov noted that "Qrid Scientific Research Center" operating under the Institute of Physics of ANAS has joined AzScienceNet network, which will play an important role in the integration of the center into the international scientific community. He also noted that implementation of the equipment for AzScienceNet was carried out within the EaPConnect project, the works of the ANAS institutions and organizations connected to GEANT, the monitoring of the operation of the GEANT line and the other activities envisaged in the Action Plan were implemented.

Chief of Sector of the institute, Babek Nabiyev, who presented the report on AzScienceNet's information security and monitoring capabilities, said that the security of websites in the Internet is a crucial issue. In order to promote the Internet safely from the beginning of 2017, Google's "Chrome" browser has been introduced a "Not Safe" note.

He stated that SSL was a cryptographic communication technology between the browser and the web server, providing information about the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. He noted that the SSL certificate used to secure the HTTPS protocol is available at the International Certification Centers annual fee.

B.Nabiyev also spoke about the types of SSL certificates, the working principles of these certificates, as well as the world's most renowned certification centers.

In the end, the reporter spoke about the Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) process, which provides a deep analysis of network traffic packages, emphasizing that this process is based primarily on reading the headings of packages. According to him, it is possible to detect and restrict traffic used by a specific software or service through the DPI.

Then, speaking academician Rasim Alguliev recommended that the AzScienceNet network continue to work on the organization of high-level connections with GEANT and AzEduNet. The scientist also noted the importance of developing e-science in the country and international integration through AzScienceNet.

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