For the first time, Sberbank used a cash collection vehicle to transport money

20 June 2017 - 10:25 | Interesting information
For the first time, Sberbank used a cash collection vehicle to transport money

To transport money, important documents and valuable items, banks like Rule, use armored collector cars. However, such a solution may not always be convenient for several reasons. For example, the speed of movement of a car in a city can be heavily dependent on traffic jams, moreover, if you need to transport a small load of small value, the use of an armored van with a crew of several armed people may not be appropriate.

As one of the alternative ways to quickly deliver goods, you can use small drones, but until today no bank has tested drones as a means of collection. Apparently, Sberbank became the first bank in the world, which used UAV for collection.

The fact that Sberbank will test the drone for the transportation of cash, it became known back in May this year, but no details about the technology was not reported. Earlier in the network appeared a video in which people dressed in the form of collectors of the Savings Bank, experience a drone, throwing a stone at him. On the video you can see that when the stone falls, the drone falls, but at the same time the capsule works, which stains the money with special paint. Judging by the video, the tests mainly concerned exactly the container for money - the used quadrocopter is similar to the DJI Inspire, which is usually used as a platform for aerial photography, and not as a transport droning.

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