Japanese robotic snake will help in rescue work

19 June 2017 - 17:35 | Interesting information
Japanese robotic snake will help in rescue work

Scientists from Tohoku University created a snake-like robot 8 meters long, covered with short tufted hairs. This is reported by The Telegraph.

The robot can climb over walls and is designed for people caught in hard-to-reach places for rescuers after earthquakes and tsunamis. It is noted that this is the world's first robot in the form of a snake, which can move with the "head" upward, on which the camera is mounted. The robot weighs 3 kg and moves at a speed of 10 cm / s with vibrating hairs. According to scientists, the work in many ways exceeds the capabilities of rescuers. The machine can easily penetrate the destroyed buildings and not only look for people, but also check the security of the premises.

The previous model of the robot was used to inspect the Fukushima nuclear power plant, damaged by the tsunami and earthquake in 2011. Then the scientists found that the robot is difficult to overcome some obstacles, and have since improved the machine. Engineers plan to put the robot into operation within the next three years.

Japanese scientists have long been working on the creation of the most advanced robots. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe even plans to host the Olympic Games of robots during the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020.

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