AI must invent its own language

16 June 2017 - 14:42 | Interesting information
AI must invent its own language

The processes that take place inside the artificial intelligence often do not lend themselves to the description of the human language. According to the Japanese neuroscientist, Rioto Kanai and his colleagues, instead of teaching machines our language, it is better to give them the opportunity to create their own.

Artificial intelligence can be incomprehensible even for experts in this field. In his essay, the neuroscientist from Princeton, Aaron Bornstein, writes about neural networks: "Nobody knows exactly how they work. So - no one can predict when they will fail. " If it is a system of medical diagnostics, the consequences for a person can be serious.

And if the work of AI can not be understood, it is impossible to express it in language if one adheres to the opinion of Ludwig Wittgenstein, who wrote in his "Logico-philosophical treatise" at the beginning of the 20th century that "the boundaries of my language are the boundaries of my world". 

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