At Harvard, they created robots from cocktail tubes

16 June 2017 - 12:00 | Interesting information
At Harvard, they created robots from cocktail tubes

A group of engineers from Harvard University proposed the technology of creating simple robots from ordinary tubules for cocktails and presented several prototypes of such robots. The article devoted to the development was published in the journal Soft Robotics.

As N + 1 writes, engineers called their robots arthrobots (from English arthropod - "arthropod"). Arthrobots are driven by pneumatics - the inflating bubble is responsible for extension of the joint, and the tube returns to its original position with the help of a rubber band. Such mechanisms can walk, imitating insects, and light weight allows arthrobots to climb steep slopes and even swim. In addition, arthrobots are easily scalable when using larger diameter tubes, reports.

A small video, published on YouTube, demonstrates several prototypes of arthrobots with a different number of limbs.

According to the researchers, straw for cocktails has an ideal ratio of strength and weight, so in the future you can expect the appearance of more complex arthrobots, which will be used to solve applied problems. For example, they can be used in the course of prospecting in the zones of natural disasters.

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