Software used in supercomputer technology has been analysed

08 June 2017 - 15:00 | Conferences, assemblies

In modern times, computing power of personal computers are not sufficient  in solving complex problems which require large computing and memory resources from the physical and chemical processes, nuclear reactions, the global atmospheric processes, real time modeling, cryptography, geology, creation of new types of drugs and some emerging areas . Super computers are widely used in solving these problems.

The opinions were told by Kamran Jafarzadeh the employee of Department No. 4 at the scientific seminar of the Institute of Information Technology.  

He presented report on "Comparative analysis of the software used in supercomputer technology". He pointed out that supercomputer is a computing system which its technical specifications and computing efficiency is more than existed computers.

The first supercomputer, which has been created by a US scholar Seymour Krey in 1976, implements 160 million operations per second, - said reporter.

According to the rating of the world's most powerful 500 supercomputers, "Sunway TaihuLight" supercomputer from China in 2016 stands in the first place,-stressed the reporter.

He also gave detailed information about architectures used in the creation of supercomputers, PVM, MPI, OpenMP and other application package programs used to solve complex problems, operating systems usedin the supercomputers and their preferences.

He noted that "Rocks Cluster" computing cluster has been constructed at the” CentOS”operating system base in Data Center of AzScienceNet. The system's control panel consists of 10 computing machine has been functionalized on the vehicle which loaded "CentOS" operating system. The process of adding computing nodes in the system are carried out automatically.

The report was discussed, questions were answered.

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