"TNC 17" Networking Conference was held

06 June 2017 - 16:11 | Conferences, assemblies

The largest and most prestigious European research networking conference "TNC 17" was held in Linz, Austria between 29 May - 2 June 2017.

TNC17, its 33rd edition, was hosted by the Austrian Academic Computer Network (ACOnet), the Austrian National research and education network (NREN) for science, research, education, and culture.

In the event, reports on new generation networks, cloud technology, identification technology, cyber security, network monitoring, electronic infrastructure, "The European Open Science Cloud" initiative, Big data processing and visualization, technology and unity of art and other fields were heard and discussed.

TNC brought together companies on network technology, decision makers, managers, representatives of higher education institutions, networking engineers, including, scientists and experts. More than 650 delegates attended the conference.

Head of the International Relations Department of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, PhD Vugar Musayev also attended the meeting.

Video archives of the reports delivered  at the conference can be found here.

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