A new program will discover careless students

01 June 2017 - 15:08 | Interesting information
A new program will discover careless students

The newest intellectual system Nestor will allow university teachers to find out how closely they are listened to by students. The software was developed by the French company LCA Learning, Vesti.Ru reports.

The software is studying the picture coming from the students' webcams. It analyzes the movements of the eyes and facial expressions and assesses the degree to which the student listens attentively. Now the technology is only available for video lectures that are read remotely. In the future, it can be extended to ordinary classes.

The Parisian Higher School of Management (Ecole Supérieure de Gestion) already intends to adopt the novelty. With the help of Nestor in the university plan to identify students who do not pay attention to teachers. The school said that the program will be useful not only to students, but also to professors.

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