Statistical data on information security incidents is analyzed

26 Mai 2017 - 17:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of Department No 2 of the Institute of Information Technology was held.

Undergraduates of the Institute- Elshan Bagirov presented the report "Statistical data on information security incidents". He noted that leading companies and organizations in the field of information security gave various reports periodicly. He analyzed statistical data on incidents developed by "Symantec" and "MyCert" organization (Malaysia's national CERT).

Reporter gave detailed information about the activity levels according to the source of the incidents, growth dynamics of spam, phishing and malware registered during 2014-2016.

"Currently, the" zero-day "vulnerabilities and statistics of incidents in the industrial control systems has decreased," - he said. Hre spoke about the reasons of this decline. He gave information about “Big bounty” program.

In the end, the report was discussed, questions were answered. Supervisor of magistratus, head of department, PhD, associate professor Yadigar Imamverdiyev advised to deepen research.

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