Technological problems of the digital heritage

15 Mai 2017 - 10:19 | Conferences, assemblies

The next seminar of department No. 1 was held at the Institute of Information Technology. Sector chief of the department, PhD Rena Gasimova presented report on  " Technological problems in   preservation of Digital heritage ".  digital resources includes  medical information, satellite observation data, multimedia resources, human genome research databases, museum catalogs from  archives and so on. ‘’Digital origin’’ resources  are available only in  "digital original" form.

Gasimova noted that digital heritage (DH) is consist of culture, education, science, management resources, as well as technical, legal, medical and other type of information. Speaking about the problems of DH,  reporter said that  here  includes loss danger, technological infrastructure, storage, accessibility, security and other factors.

According to her, created or collected digital data will become heritage ,if its stability, authenticity and availability  are provided. .But one of the biggest problems id technological displacement managing the of their creation.

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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