The creator of the antivirus McAfee will release the most secure smartphone in the world

01 Mai 2017 - 16:10 | Technological innovations
The creator of the antivirus McAfee will release the most secure smartphone in the world

Protecting personal data on mobile devices has been an actively discussed topic for several years. Therefore, some companies produce protected devices with an increased level of security. A similar device was announced by John McAfee, one of the creators of the popular antivirus McAfee. He was among the first to develop antivirus software for virus scanning. John McAfee calls his new development the world's first truly private smartphone. He claims that this will be the most reliable smartphone ever to exist.

"A huge investment went into the hardware.On the back of the device there are a number of switches that allow the user to physically disconnect the battery, camera, microphone and antennas for Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth, and also prevent the phone from connecting to Stingray or any other capture device IMSI, in addition, it has an anonymous web search, "said John McAfee.

It is known that the smartphone will cost $ 1,100, and potential customers are corporate users. In addition, John McAfee plans to release an even more improved version in the summer of next year.

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