Babylon invests £ 50,000,000 in the development of the Personal Doctor application

26 April 2017 - 12:21 | Interesting information
Babylon invests £ 50,000,000 in the development of the Personal Doctor application

The discover24 reported that the British company Babylon plans to invest £ 50,000,000 directly in creating one of the most advanced artificial intelligence platforms to help develop a modern mobile application called the "Personal Doctor."

The main concept of the new application of the company Babylon is the availability of the doctor seven days a week 24 hours a day, who will listen carefully to all having symptoms, and immediately put an accurate diagnosis. Ali Parsa, who is the chief executive officer of the project, notes that the application being developed can provide expert advice from healthcare issues to all smartphone users in any part of the world.

He notes that scientists do not doubt that soon artificial intelligence systems will be able to diagnose, as well as make predictions of graduates. Ali Parsa noted that the application is not created as a substitute for doctors, but directly to help.


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