“Diaspora of Azerbijani scientists” information system to be established

12 April 2017 - 11:00 | Conferences, assemblies

At the meeting of Academic Council of the Institute of Information Technology has discussreed the issue of establishing an information system “Diaspora of Azerbaijani scientists”.

Academician-Secretary of ANAS institute director Academician Rasim Alguliyev stated that, establishment of information system “Diaspora of Azerbaijani scientists” is one of the vital issues. The new system is of great importance in terms of collecting data about Azerbaijani scientists in different countries of the world in a unite source. This system will contribute to the establishment of "Virtual Azerbaijan".

Then, chief department of the institute Gulnara Nabibeyova informed in detail about the information system and said that, this system serves to carrying out the tasks arising from the Order approved by President Ilham Aliyev on “State Program for implementation of the National Strategy for Develomemt of Information Society in Azerbaijan during 2016-2020" dated September 20, 2016. Within the State Program, is conducted to enhance cooperation via Azerbaijani scientist and specialists working in the field of high technologies abroad, and take measures for implementation of joint research and programs.

G.Nabibeyova brought to mind a preparartion of query about Azerbaijani scientists working abroad.

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