Impacts of internet games on children's psychology are investigated

28 March 2017 - 14:23 | Conferences, assemblies
Impacts of internet games on children's psychology are investigated

Children and adolescents must have various hobbies in order to avoid becoming dependent on the needs of Computer games.

The next seminar of the department No. 9 was held at the Institute of Information Technology. Employee of the department Nazakat Malikova presented the report “Impact of Internet games to the psychology of children and adolescents,". She said that the rapid development of information and communication technologies and the interest in this area could lead to the violation of children's health and psychology. Although intensive use of the Internet meets all requirenments of children and adolescents but makes a serious problem for their health. The children remain connected to the computer for hoursand it is subjugated them and weakens the bonds of social environment.

"As the hours of game has increased its negative effects on the psychology of children and adolescents and also appear in the body," - said the speaker. Also reporter stressed the importance that in order to avoid becoming dependent on computer games to minors, children must have various hobbies. 

Then the reporter talked about dangerous games which widespread social networks .She noted that the first threat about the games as "Siniy kit" ("A blue whale"), "Tixiy dom" ("A Quiet House"), "More kitov" ("A sea / a bunch of whales"), "Razbudi menya v 4:20 "(" Wake me up 4.20 am had emerged in Russia in 2015. 

N.Malikova said that "Siniy kit" game widespread in Azerbaijan and all parents have to control their children's Internet activity. She noticed that from the first day parents to schedule the use of computers and mobile phones for the children and to determine which sites they use, and should explain that what is harmfuland what is useful.

The report was discussed, a number of proposals put forward.