The head of department was awarded with reviewer certificate

13 March 2017 - 12:00 | Important events
The head of department was awarded with reviewer certificate

Head of department of  Institute of Information Technology, doctor of technical sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev has been cooperating  with the prestigious journals in the field of computer sciences for many years. Scholar  actively involved in the review  process  of articles submitted to international journals, as well as, publication of  innovations  obtained in data mining, Big Data, Scientometrics and other fields.

Recently,  R. Aliguliyev  was awarded  with reviewer certificate for his scientific expertise  activity by the editorial staff of "Applied Mathematical Modelling" journal  of  United States.

It should be noted that  "Applied Mathematical Modelling" Journal  with of high impact factor, is included to  "Elseiver" scientific base, is  the world's leading journal engineering and environmental processes, as well as, in mathematical modeling of industrial systems.

Scientometric indicators of the journal  are  followings:

1) Impact Factor: 2.291

2) 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.400

3) SNIP: 1.612

4) SJR: 1.318

5) CiteScore: 2.67

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