Academic Rasim Alguliyev "The institute's research activities should be strengthened"

06 March 2017 - 14:52 | Conferences, assemblies

The active participation of youth in the implementation of the tasks of the institute are very important.

Academician-Secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology Academic Rasim Alguliyevspoke about  challenges at a meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute.

The scientist said that publication of the articles  in leading scientific base, "Thomson Reuters" was set as the main target in all institutes and organizations of ANAS. He called the employees of the organization to use «Web of Science" services effectively. He said that the deepening of mathematical knowledge for publication in the world's leading journals, development of academic writing skills and scientometric knowledge are important issues.

Scholar  highlighted  the importance of the participation in various grant projects, for this purpose each department should strengthen its potential , develop scientific and innovative activities.

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