The institute to hold a scientific seminar on International Mother Language Day

17 February 2017 - 15:39 | Important events
The institute  to hold a scientific seminar on International Mother Language Day

On February 21, 2017, Institute of Information Technology will hold a scientific seminar on International Mother Language Day.

Reports on subject "Scientific and theoretical foundations and research directions of  language engineering ", "Language industry as part of the knowledge economy", "Automatic  establishment  technologies  of  semantic  network of subject area terms ", "Emotion Informatics: analysis methods of text tonality", "Sign language: the history, stages of development and current state "and so on.  will be delivered.

Note that the International Mother Language Day was proclaimed in 1999 by the General Conference of UNESCO, since February 2000, is held annually to promote cultural diversity, including multilingualism. International Mother Language Day reiterates that everyone has the right to preserve and develop their native language.

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