Congratulations to the project chief engineer of the institute Shafagat Mahmudova on the occasion of the 60th anniversary!

27 January 2017 - 14:57 | Jubilees

Today, project chief engineer of the Institute of Information Technology, PhD, associate professor Shafagat Mahmudova is celebrating her 60th anniversary.

In 1979 she was accepted for employment as programmer to the Institute of Cybernetics of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences and addresses issues of establishment of automated control systems.

In 1983 she was transferred as senior engineer to the Automated Control Systems Department of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, and later appointed as leading engineer. She participated in development of software of multi-purpose information exchange systems between Electronic Computers, as well as different ACS.

Sh. Mahmudova defended the thesis on the "Development of methods and algorithms for human face recognition on the basis of photo-portraits" in the specialty 3338.01 - "System analysis, control and information processing" and gained PhD degree in Technical sciences.

Currently she conducts research on the "Development of methods and algorithms for the racial identity of human face on the basis of photo-portraits".

She is the author of 38 articles and 39 theses. 41 of them were published in the international journals.

In 2016,  Sh. Mahmudova was awarded with the title of associate professor by the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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