The business model of AzScienceNet was discussed at the international conference

27 January 2017 - 17:00 | Important events
The business model  of AzScienceNet was discussed at the  international conference

A number of international events  within the  projects  supported by the European Commission  are being held to ensure sustainable development  of research and education networks of   Europe and the Eastern Partnership countries. On January 17-18, 2016, in Berlin, conference on topic "Business model of science-computer networks" within the EaPConnect project which covers the countries of the Eastern Partnership  was held.

The objective of the conference is to support computer networks serving science and education fields in the Eastern Partnership countries, analysis of business models, the exchange of experience and cooperation with Europe's leading research and education networks in this field.

In the conference, business models of scientific and educational networks of Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and Serbia, the Eastern Partnership countries, including Azerbaijan, were presented, mutual comparisons and analyzes were carried out. A number of issues  such as work principles,  structure, management , services of relevant networks,  application of new technologies, sources of income, primary expenses, work with users, competitive sustainability opportunities, human resources, strategic plans have been discussed. As a result, a number of ways to solve common problems in research and education networks have been proposed.

Also,  reports on Institute of Information Technology and AzSciecneNet network were delivered in the conference.

During the event, Germany’s ''Unbelievable Machine Company'' business model proposing products and solutions regarding cloud technologies and Big Data, Internet  of things  has been introduced .

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