Pocket DNA analyzer based mobile phone

26 January 2017 - 10:47 | Technological innovations
Pocket DNA analyzer based mobile phone

Researchers and engineers from the University of California at Los Angeles, Stockholm University and Uppsala University collected and tested nozzle for a smartphone, which is able to "read" the DNA.

According to the creators estimated factory unit can cost as little as 500 dollars (about 30 thousand rubles at the exchange rate on January 19, 2017). This is several times less than the cost sets of laboratory equipment available today. The role of the microscope in the instrument plays a reinforced special optics camera smartphone. The unit directs the laser beam and white light elektrodiod on the sample, the camera takes pictures as well results processed by a special algorithm and displayed on the screen of the smartphone or the connected computer.

With mobile kit for DNA analysis can not be fully sequenced genome, but doctors could quickly identify mutations in DNA of cancer cells instead of biomaterial send for analysis to the remote research centers. The analysis in the same hospital where the patient is lying, will speed diagnosis and appointment of suitable formulations. DNA analysis can also help identify antibiotic-resistant bacteria and pathogens to seek rare and new infections.