Cloud computing reduces power consumption

17 January 2017 - 16:00 | Interesting information
Cloud computing reduces power consumption

During the period from 2005 to 2010 the energy consumption of data centers increased by 24%, but with the transition to virtualization, cloud computing and optimized management of the situation is changing. According to the forecast of authors the research is carried out at the National Laboratory. In Lawrence Berkeley University, from 2014 to 2020, energy consumption will grow by only 4%, despite the sharp increase in demand for computing resources. According to the study, the total electricity consumption in US data centers in 2014 amounted to 70 billion kW × h - 1.8% of total energy consumption in the country. But, judging by current trends, in the next four years, this growth has almost stopped.Increased every year by 15% from 2000 to 2005, shipments of servers, the total number in the data center during this period almost doubled. In 2005-2010, annual growth fell to 5%, including due to the economic problems, but now this figure - 3%, and, according to the forecast, it will remain at this level until 2021. The decline is due to higher energy efficiency and more optimal load due to virtualization and the transition to cloud computing, including by concentrating tasks gipermasshtabnyh data center from 37 thousand. M2. In the meantime Google are even more optimistic and believe that the total power consumption will decrease by 2020.