DARPA will develop communication systems for divers and miners

20 December 2016 - 11:00 | Interesting information
DARPA will develop communication systems for divers and miners

Today, people working under the ground or water, do not have a convenient means of communication with the surface. this is primarily due to the fact that radio waves most of the range are not able to penetrate deep underground or in salt water. However, thanks to DARPA agency efforts in the future the situation should change. According to reports, soon to begin to develop a new dedicated communications system called AMEBA (A Mechanically Based Antenna). reported that the system would work in two ranges: the ultralow-frequency (1 Hz – 3 kHz) and very low frequency (3 kHz-30 kHz). According to the developers, Ameba must ensure miners and divers reliable channel of communication, which will allow to exchange text and voice messages much faster than is possible today.

It should be noted that the communication system, which uses radio waves of extremely low and extremely low frequencies, there is already a long time. They are used, for example, for communication with submarines. However, the main drawback of such systems is the size: for they require an antenna height of several hundred meters

The developers plan to solve the size problem by using new magnetic technology. However, until all the details have not been disclosed.

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