Transition from Industrial Sumqayit to "green" smart Sumqayit problems discussed at the republican scientific conference

16 December 2016 - 17:00 | Conferences, assemblies

On December 10, III republican scientific conference on "Application problems of Mathematics and new information technologies" was held at the Sumqayit State University.

Head of the department,  PhD, associate professor Alovsat Aliyev attented to the plenary session of the conference organized by The Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic, Baku State University and the Institute of Information Technology.  He deliverd a report on "ICT's role in the formation of  the Green economy: problems and prospects" with academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the  Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Alguliev.

The UN Environment Programme to develop "green economy" was initiatived  in 2008 , strategy  that combines the priorities of "green" economy development with the initiative of  United Nations Economic and Social Commission on  Asia and the Pacific Ocean  in 2005 and  declaration on the development of ecological environment of  the  Organization for Economic Cooperation and development were adopted.

The principles of green economy were explained and planting of greenery is a new stage in the economic development of the society, head of department noted.

Development of stages of composite indicators system for a comparative evaluation of technoparks, its requirements, composition and content were determined.

These issues have been reflected in the  Concept of “Azerbaijan 2020: vision to the future”, “National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan for 2014-2020”, “Law of Science” of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, “State Program on socio-economic development of the regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2014-2018” and the new Charter of ANAS .

Ecological tax reform and tools, heavy penalty for pollution, green subsidies for awarding environmental projects a, grants and loans, as well as, eliminating subsidies for environmentally harmful activities assume a great deal of importance in the development of green economy, he said.

A.Aliyev also spoke about the ICT problems of society and the economy greening. Solution of potential  trends on "greening" of industrial economy based on ICT, "greening" of innovative information economy and elimination of electronic waste problems are very important.

He highlighted the importance of  socio-economic assessment of the damage caused by environmental pollution, assessment of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, evaluation of wastewater discharged into water basins models, assessment models of damages caused by different areas and regions and formation of the conceptual model of transition to green economy and development macro-economic model of the transition to ICT-based green economy, as well as, intelligent information system concerning the transition to green economy.

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