Transformation problems of three-dimensional objects from real space to virtual space are investigated

15 December 2016 - 11:15 | Conferences, assemblies

Annual report of  No. 18 department for  the 2016 was discussed  at the Institute of Information Technology. Researches on subject “Transformation problems of three-dimensional objects from  real space to virtual space and vice versa, analyses of transformation problems. Capabilities, Technologies and Prospects’’ and “Development  of methods and algorithms for increasing  efficiency of  advertisment and marketing activity in the Internet sphere” are carried out, head of department Anar Semidov said.

Mr. Samidov spoke about the publication of the materials of the General Assembly of the National Academy of Sciences, I scientific-practical Republic Conference on Multidisciplinary Problemns of E-Medicine, and another events, as well as preparation of visit cards for new employees of the Institute, and issuance of express-information.

Activities such as inclusion of photo, audio and video materials to "Multimedia Gallery" base, deployment of  audio and video, magazines and newspaper materials, electronic resources in site, data collection existing in mass media about employees of institute  are conducting, head of department noted.

He also informed about measures taken to improve activities of InfoTV and staff building. Head of department gave detailed  information about scientific- pedagogical and scientific-organizational activity of the department, participitation in the scientific-technical conferences and symposiums, preparation of various books and electronic publications, publishing  of articles in the well-known scientific journals and etc.

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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