Multidisciplinary scientific and theoretical problems of formation of information society investigated

13 December 2016 - 11:08 | Conferences, assemblies

Annual report of Department No17 of Institute of Infrormation Technology of ANAS was presented. Head of the department presented the report and gave detailed information about the scientific-research works carried out in the department. He noted that over the year scientific resesarch works carried out on the multidisciplinary scientific and theoretical problems of formation of information society, development of mechanisms for e-government formation and effective managing, humanitarian problems of social media, analysis of information warfare technologies in Wiki-environment. He noted that as a result of scientific research 2 books, 13 articles and 17 conference materials have been published in. Some of them have been published in influential publications of foreign countries.

He said that, over the years, consultation services in connection with Wikipedia rendered to different state, education and educational institutions. At present, work is underway to ensure the content of Wikipedia and its projects.

The department provides information on the work done within the framework of international scientific cooperation; the reporter said that this year relations were established with the International Political Science Association (International Political Science Association) and, said that this cooperation would be very useful for our institute.

He also gave information about scientific and scientific-organizational activities at the department,the Institute's activities in the media and advertising-marketing studies and reports on the results of other current activities.

Activities of the department was highly appreciated, comments and suggestions were made.