Israeli biomedical group successfully transplants lab-grown bone

09 December 2016 - 10:00 | Technological innovations
Israeli biomedical group successfully transplants lab-grown bone

An Israeli biotech company said Monday that it has for the first time worldwide successfully used semi-liquid bone graft harvested from patients' own fat cells to repair bone loss in an early stage of a clinical trial.

For the first time worldwide, reconstruction of deficient or damaged bone tissue is achievable by growing viable human bone graft in a laboratory, and transplanting it back to the patient in a minimally invasive surgery via injection. Traditionally, grafts created from the patient's own cells involve obtaining bone samples from the pelvic crest. It is an invasive, painful, and expensive procedure. Other types of bone grafting, which use synthetic substances or cells obtained from a bone bank, risk rejection by the patient's body.

The Bonus Biogroup injected the lab-grown bone tissue into the jaws of 11 patients. The tissues successfully hardened and merged with existing bone to repair damage, the company said.


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