Koreian scientist made a report on “Quantum ”

07 December 2016 - 09:30 | Conferences, assemblies

As you know, on December 5, at the main building of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, organized by Institute of Physics, with the support of Presidium of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Development Fund under the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, the XIV Asia-Pacific countries"Quantum Informatics" scientific conference and seminar (APCWQIS-2016) was held.

The next session of the event was held under the chairmanship of academician-secretary of ANAS, director of Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Aliquliyev on December 6 at the Institute of Information Technologies.

At the event the professor of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology-Covan’s “Quantum” report was heard. The report attracted the attention of the conference participants, many questions were answered.

Note that the XIV Asia-Pacific countries, "Quantum Informatics" scientific conference and seminar sessions will continue its work until December 9.