İndicators and indexes system developed for measurement of Information and knowledge economy

06 December 2016 - 11:41 | Conferences, assemblies

An annual report of No.8 department was delivered  at the Institute of Information Technology. Head of department, PhD, associate professor Alovsat Aliyev delivered  a report

In the current year,  scientific and methodical approaches have been investigated as part of  information and knowledge economy, at the department.

The main subjects of the international economy, globalization and growth factors of the world economy, its sectoral structures were analyzed. Formation features and stages of information and knowledge economy were researched at the international level, its components, industrial classification were analyzed and recommendations were put forward.

According to him, a number of criteria, integral indicators and indexes allowing  to measure the level of development of the information and knowledge economy were analyzed and the factors that influence them were researched.

Rules of the f GDP calculation were formed with the help of information and knowledge economy, he stated. New Composite Index (IBK) of information and knowledge economy was proposed based on analyses.

Scientific and methodological bases of composite indexes system formation on comparative evaluation of the information and knowledge economy were developed.  

The principles of green economy were explained and planting of greenery is a new stage in the economic development of the society, head of department noted.

Development of stages of composite indicators system for a comparative evaluation of technoparks, its requirements, composition and content were determined.

In the current year, a number of projects on  “development and  formation of economic models on information and knowledge economy’’ have been patched up in order to introduce to the various funds.

Employees of the department have been attended to 9 republic, 4 republic–international and 2 international scientific-technical conferences in the current year. A number of articles have been published in indexed prestigious  journals, A. Aliyev noted.

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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