Application of cloud technologies in various fields of science researched

28 November 2016 - 11:02 | Conferences, assemblies

Head of department, technical director of the Institute, PhD, associate professor Rashid Alakbarov delivered an annual report. First, reporter gave information about scientiific research activities of the department. In the current year, investigation  and  analysis of  the current state of scientific theoretical problems of cloud computing utilization in computer networks,  development of optimal allocation of resources among users algorithm in Cloud technologies, development of method  for the efficient use of memory resources in cloud technologies, application of cloud technologies in various fields of science, “Development of method and algorithms for the synthesis of cloud services  in network environment” have been researched.

Speaking about scientific-innovative activities of the department, Rashid Alakbarov said that, the  infrastructure of AzScienceNet network was expanded, institutes and organizations of ANAS was connected to 150  new network. Reconstruction of local networks on the basis of intelligent switches was conducted in 6 institutes and organization of the of the academy, he noticed.

Internet access speeds of AzScienceNet has been reached to 400 Mbit / s. Development and utilization of Wi-Fi system in  the campus of the Academy were carried out. computer networks of 3 institutes and organizations of ANAS were connected to AzScienceNet with fiber-optic communication channel , he noted. AzScienceNet was connected ATLAS RIPE network for enhancing  and monitoring of eduroam service, storage and hosting services were organized in the network.

9 scientific articles have been published in well-known scientific journals in the current year.

Head of the department  also informed about scientific- pedagogical  activity, participitation in scientific and technical conferences, seminars and symposiums, relations with international organizations and events conducted within framework of scientific-  institutional activities.

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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