World’s Most Mobile Package Delivery Robot

15 November 2016 - 10:00 | Interesting information
World’s Most Mobile Package Delivery Robot

What, exactly, is the best body for a robot? Flying is energy intensive, and most commercial drones can only go about 20 minutes on battery power. Driving on wheels is more energy-efficient, but limits the robot purely to what it can find on the ground. The Panther drone, by Advanced Tactics, combines both into one tidy package.

 And can do it all in high winds, and while carrying a maximum of 15 pounds. Its makers boast that it is ideal for pipeline inspection, and with the ability to travel almost 60 miles on the ground, as well as hopping over small obstacles, it’s certainly nimble enough for some field work.The FAA considers the AT Panther a small UAS (sUAS) since it is 6,8 pounds in weight. 

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