Mobile App market in 2020 will reach 189 billion US dollars

14 November 2016 - 10:52 | Interesting information
Mobile App market in 2020 will reach 189 billion US dollars

Market research firm App Annie latest market report said that in 2020 the mobile App market is expected to grow 270% from 70 billion US dollars in 2015 to grow to 189 billion US dollars.

At that time, users may spend 114% more on the App, 55% of the App Store's revenue, while other types of App will grow rapidly as people spend more time on shopping and traffic App three times.

By 2020, both in-app and app store earnings will each exceed the combined earnings of both of 2015. Both categories will show strong growth, but in-app ads will outperform App store revenue, which will From 58% to 62%. The two main drivers of this growth are users of App on the time greatly increased (compared to the past two years doubled, the other is the 2020 smart phones and tablet Computer global holdings will double to 6.2 billion.

While game developers will continue to dominate the bottom line, the ads will continue to inspire App developers, including game developers, as their share of revenue rises from 34 percent in 2015 ($ 24 billion to 45 percent in 2020). % ($ 85 billion).

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