Application of cloud technologies in e- education researched

10 November 2016 - 14:00 | Conferences, assemblies

A scientific seminar of  No. 10 department on application of cloud technologies in e- education was held  at the Institute of Information Technology .

Employees of department Gulara Mammadova and Esmira Alasgarova  delivered a report. Cloud technologies  is a service of  information that covers any process, software of users in local whereabouts, she said. Speaking about the advantages of these technologies, she noted that documents stored in the cloud allow users have access to these documents  anytime and anywhere.

She also informed about standards of National Institute of Standards and Technology. Self-service of cloud on demand, broad network channel, support of resource nodes, flexibility, the ability to measure of services’ use and other features were brought to attention.

Opportunities such as building up of e-education resources in the application of cloud technologies in the teaching process, individualization of education, exchange of experience among teachers, interactivity, joint work on documents were developed, G. Mammadova said.

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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