Meeting was held with the leadership of "Enago" organization at Institute of Information Technology

04 November 2016 - 15:50 | Meetings

At the Institute of Information Technology meeting was held with founder and executive director of "Enago" organization-Sharad Mittal and vice president Rajiv Shirke.

Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technologies, academician Rasim Aliguliyev opened the event and noted that the purpose of the meeting is acquisition with "Enago company and holding discussions on the use of the services offered by the organization.

Then, the company's vice-president Rajiv Shirke made a presentation on the activities of the organization. He said that the main objective of the company, founded in 2005, is providing assistance to employees of scientific and educational institutions in connection with the publication of scientific works, as well as overcome language barrie of publications in foreign languages. At present the company's headquarters are located in India, all scientific fields, including computer science and information technology experts working in over 850 offices in 12 countries.

Rajiv Shirke talked about the company's services, and their advantages. He noted that "Enago" offers 2 services for helping to publish scientific papers in scientific journals:”Premium service”and “Standart service”.  While using "Premium" service, article are checked by experts and adjusted. In this case, the article structure, content compatibility and logical consistency checked. The main feature of the service is supporting the author from beginning of the entire process of scientific articles through to print manuscripts.

According to him, "Enago" held seminars and training for more than 10 thousand scientific staff for at last 2 years.

The reporter said that “Enago academy” serves the delivery of scientific publications, the experience and knowledge to the world society. He noted that membership of the knowledge platform is completely free of charge and available to anyone.

Taking part in discussions, technical director of the institute, PhD Rashid Alakbarov, Doctor of Technical Sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev, scientific secretary Madina Saidova, PhD Zarifa Jabrayilova, PhD in technical sciences Bikas Agayev, Makrufa Hajirahimova, Shafagat Mahmudova, PhD in economics, professor Alovsat Aliyev and others said questions and suggestions.