Institute of Information Technology held a meeting with scientists from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

17 October 2016 - 16:27 | Meetings

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) is situated near Moscow in the town of Dubna. The main directions of the JINR, which was founded March 26, 1956, are constituted the elementary particle physics and nuclear physics.

JINR staff in which there are 7 laboratories, about 5,000 people, of whom more than 1,200 are scientists, about 2000 - technical staff.

In our country was held a number of events dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the organization and the 25th anniversary of a cooperation of this structure with Azerbaijan.

Director of Laboratory of Information Technologies Vladimir Korenkov and Director of Laboratory of Theoretical Physics Voronov Victor, who is visiting our country, became guests of ANAS Institute of Information Technology. The main purpose was to get acquainted with JINR activities, including a discussion of the prospects of cooperation between the two structures and the implementation of joint projects.

The meeting was also attended by members of the Academic Council of the Institute of Information Technology

First, Academic-Secretary of ANAS, Director of Institute, Academician Rasim Alguliyev welcomed the guests and noted that, he was glad to see them in the structure led by him. Informing on the main activities of institute, the scientist told about the conducted scientific research aimed at the development of information society and information technologies, training of highly qualified personnel in the field of IT and the done work in the sphere of a scientific cooperation. Stressing the interest of Azerbaijani scientists in the experience of JINR in the field of information technology and nuclear physics, R.Alguliyev expressed confidence in the effectiveness of bilateral cooperation in the future. Next, V.V.Korenkov delivered a report on the activities of JINR and the research carried out there. Scientist brought to the attention of the important advances made in the field of supercomputing and cloud technology and Big Data. The members of the Scientific Council were also informed about the principles of the organization of laboratories and projects implemented here. Then, V.V.Vasilevich spoke about JINR innovative activities and said that the laboratory is equipped with modern material and technical base. The speaker also gave information about the results of studies conducted by JINR scientists in the field of nuclear physics.

Finally, were exchanged views between the two institutions on the development of cooperation relations, exchange of experience and personnel, as well as implementation of joint projects, numerous questions were respondent.

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