Academician Rasim Alguliyev made a speech at the opening ceremony "AICT 2016" conference

13 October 2016 - 14:00 | Interviews, speeches
Academician Rasim Alguliyev made a speech  at the opening ceremony "AICT 2016" conference

Investigation of scientific-theoretical problems of ICT is important for the development of the information society.

Academician-director of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Alguliyev said  at the conference “Application of information-communication technologies” (AICT 2016) .

"State Program for 2016-2020 years on the implementation of the National Strategy on development of information society” adopted by the President of the Azerbaijan Republic plays an important role in the development of this field, he said. In state program specific objectives were defined on 49 direction, educational and scientific staff was assigned to work together with the relevant bodies on these tasks till 2020. According State Program, measures on the direction of ICT infrastructure and services, development of high-tech sector and strengthening of scientific- technical capacity, e-citizen, staff training, development of national content and etc.  are to be carried out with the direct participation of ANAS.

We should contribute to the development of ICT by exploring scientific-theoretical issues and introducing articles  to world's leading scientific bases, Rasim Alguliyev emphasized.

Selected articles will be included to electronic library of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) of USA and other international scientific databases, he said.

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