Organization of master education is the beginning of new stage for the Institute of Information Technology

19 September 2016 - 11:47 | Conferences, assemblies

The Institute of Information Technology of ANAS held a meeting on the organization and implementation of master education on September 16. First, academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, acad. Rasim Alguliyev gave a brief information about the master degree organized at ANAS. This year, 611 people on 21 institutes took part in an interview, 56 of them were accepted, he said. Most applications (84 people) were registered to the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

3 places are allocated for the specialties “249178 - Computer Engineering", "249186 - Information protection and security", "249161 - Computer systems and networks software" for  academic year 2016/2017.

To ensure the quality of the processes working individually with each of magistrate, creating the conditions for conducting scientific research at the international level are the main factors, he stated. Close cooperation should be established with influential schools, subjects should be improved, and the disciplines must be followed, director mentioned.

Then, head of department, PhD, Farhad Yusifov  made a speech. He gave detailed information about "training program for master's degree qualification" on 3 specialties approved by the Ministry of Education of AR, as well as about the main directions, specialization courses, selective subjects, and curriculum.

At the end, Technical director of the institute  PhD Rashid Alakbarov, and PhDs Yadigar Imamverdiyev, Firudin Aghayev and others expressed their opinions on the subject and gave recommendations.  

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