The article by the chief project engineer of the Institute published in the prestigious journal

19 August 2016 - 09:00 | Important events
The article by the chief project engineer of the Institute published in the prestigious journal

The article titled “Big Data Challenges in Biometric Technology" by the chief project engineer of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, PhD Shafagat Mahmudova is published in the “International Journal of Education and Management Engineering”.

The article is devoted to the Big Data problems in biometric technologies. It highlights the importance of the use of Big Data technologies in the solution of a wide range of issues facing the national security, law enforcement system and defense authorities. The study provides information about Big Data and advanced cloud technologies in the field of biometric technology.

It should be noted that this journal published by "Mecs Publisher" is indexed in the international scientific databases as "Google Scholar", "CrossRef", "Scirus", and "CNKI Scholar".

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